
Strengthened through fellowship.

Dedicated to spiritual growth.

since 2007

We have several covens in several cities, and each is led by a Coven Head. Our leaders are trained in a 3 degree system, and become Coven Head through both qualification and democratic election. Learn more about the Branches of our Tradition and their leaders.

Covens & Coven heads

The Spiral Tree Tradition’s purposes are to:

1. Develop meaningful relationships and grow into a spiritual family.
2. Teach and Learn the Craft of the Wise drawing from other traditions as the members see fit.
3. Celebrate the many Wheels of the Year.
4. Develop and grow as individuals on a spiritual and mundane level.
5. Promote environmental & ecological awareness through personal actions.

It takes community to make community. Get involved.

The Spiral Tree Tradition was birthed in Grand Forks, ND and now extends to the reaches of Washington state and Kansas. Our mother Coven is the Order of the Aurora-based out of Grand Forks with the co-founding Coven, Heart of the Pentacle Fellowship which is based in Rugby, ND. In Fargo, ND, Covenant of the Moon resides. Circle of the Stag, founded by the original High Priestess of the Order of the Aurora, is based out of Wichita, KS. Washington state is home to the Spiral of Balance. While our Covens are stationed in specific cities, members are drawn to each from all over the state, with some members traveling up to 3-4 hours to attend meetings.

Our members range in expertise, from new practitioners to those with advanced experience. While our three-degree system of training is based in Alexandrian Wicca, with a British Traditional style, we also draw inspiration from the Feri Tradition, the training, and expertise of our members, and Divinity. We value spontaneity, choosing to intuit the needs of our members rather than sticking strictly to a plan, and organic opportunities to learn and grow – especially during our ceremonies.

The journey to the establishment of the Spiral Tree Tradition began in 2007...


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